The Top 12 Most Incredible (& Profitable) Underwater Finds Ever

11. A 13,000-Year-Old Mexican Skull

Value as of right now: unknown The year it vanished was 13,000 years ago. Year Found: 2015. The whole skeleton of a teenage girl dating back 13,000 years was found at Hoyo Negro, often known as the Black Hole, a 150-foot-deep water trench. Hoyo Negro is situated in Yucatan's underwater cave system. The skeleton, known as "Naia" (Greek for "water nymph"), is among the earliest human remains ever found in the Americas.

Mexican Skull Is 13,000 Years Old, @soynadie/PPinterest Naia revealed a significant genetic and historical connection between Mexican and Native American peoples by sharing physical traits with Paleoamericans and having genes with modern Native Americans. Since the discovery of the 9,000-year-old Kennewick Man in 1966, Naia's discovery has been the most significant.

12. Football Fish from the Pacific

Value as of right now: unknown Year Found: 2021 Year Disappeared: N/A This year, a bizarre-looking fish that usually lives hundreds of feet beneath the surface of the ocean washed up on the coast. This scary football-shaped fish with razor-sharp teeth was discovered on a beach in California.

Football Fish / / @sofiabiologista ©/ The Pacific It is quite uncommon to find football fish, a particular kind of anglerfish, entirely intact. The fish's tall stalk on top of its head allowed scientists to determine that it was a female. It is stated that prey is lured in by the stalk. The fish can swallow prey the size of its body because of its enormous mouth.
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