The Most Expensive Construction Projects Known to Mankind

11. The Great Belt Fastening

Place: Denmark Year Completed: 1988; Total Cost: $6.28 Billion Denmark's Funen and Zealand Islands are connected by the incredibly spectacular Great Belt Fixed Link. Despite the fact that most people would just see this $6.28 billion project as a bridge, it is much more than that.

Fixed Link for the Great Belt ©Henrik Sendelbach/Wikimedia Commons Alright, so the Great Belt Fixed Link isn't a transformer, but it can be crossed in a few different ways, none of which involve a bike. There is the 4.1-mile Western Bridge, the 4.2-mile East Bridge, and the Easter Tunnel, an underwater tunnel designed specifically for train traffic.

12. Mercer Street, 181

The place is in New York, USA. Completed Year: 2023 * Total Cost: $1.28 Billion For nearly 200 years, New York University (NYU) has been training the future leaders of society. Some of the university's buildings have deteriorated with time, just like everything that is getting older. Plans for new facilities were initiated in the 2000s. Those intentions are finally being realized nearly twenty years later with the construction of a new multipurpose facility at 181 Mercer Street, valued at $1.28 billion.

Curbed/Pinterest 181 Mercer Street When finished, this 750,000-square-foot addition to New York University will rank among the most remarkable student centers, or hubs, in the country. It will include around fifty classrooms, a theater, an athletic facility, and student housing, among many other features.
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