The Cutest Power Struggle Ever: Pets Who Are Definitely the Boss

5. Cow/Cat

Potential Camera: iPhone Where to Buy: Amazon Average, Walmart, and Apple Store. Price range: $500–1,200* If you are a cat parent, you would agree that cats are the most perplexing creatures out there. However, if you have a cat or are considering acquiring one, be prepared for it to stick its tiny little nose into everything you do. Your cat will never leave you alone, whether it's for a work-from-home conference or a school report.

@_ssbia on Twitter This isn't a terrible thing, though, because your pet will keep you from feeling lonely and occasionally even make you laugh with their antics, like in this photo! This cat owner appeared to be studying or working as well, but then their cat chose to interrupt the gathering by poking its hand from behind the computer screen—conveniently, the screen featured an image of a cow's body.

6. No Dogs Please

Potential Camera: iPhone Where to Buy: Amazon Average, Walmart, and Apple Store. Price range: $500–1,200* Some establishments still have the obscenely offensive "No Dogs Please" signs at the door, which can really bother dog parents. While there are valid reasons for these locations, no responsible dog owner would leave their pet outside while they attend business inside a structure that does not allow dogs!

Reddit /MemeEconomy/ This dog chose to use its fangs, or its own hands, since it was afraid of being left behind or was angry. The "No Dogs Please" sign was torn by it, but it also returned it to its owners like a prize! What a wonderful dog!
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