The Cutest Power Struggle Ever: Pets Who Are Definitely the Boss

3. Not A Morning Cat

Potential Equipment: Canon EOS Rebel T7 Where to purchase: Target Average Price: $400* Looking at this photo, the first image that springs to mind is of a couple; one of them gets out of bed cheerfully in the morning, while the other is unable to leave the house before 11 a.m. Similar to this dog-cat pair, the dog is vivacious and joyful, while the cat is too grumpy to function.

Reddit /MemeEconomy/ The dog appears to be going against the cat's wishes by taking it for a morning jog; in fact, the dog is practically carrying the cat on its back. If you are a dog lover, you may contend that although cats are cranky and touchy, dogs are inherently happy animals. We'll listen to you out, even if we don't agree with you!

4. You Were Way Over The Speed Limit, Sir

Potential Camera: Sony A9 II The Sony Average is where to buy. Price: $4,500* This image is so fantastic that it truly merits a special place on this list! It shows a traffic cop writing a ticket, which is quite standard, but the person for whom he is writing the ticket is none other than Chester the cheetah! The cheetah could easily devour the ticket and the person who wrote it, but instead he is just staring dumbfounded—likely in shock by the police officer's boldness.

Reddit /MemeEconomy/ The image depicts a distinct fusion of animal and human life, with the former being highly confined. We believe the police officer wrote a ticket for overspeeding, although we are not positive why exactly!
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