The Cutest Power Struggle Ever: Pets Who Are Definitely the Boss

1. Friendship Knows No Species

Potentially Used Camera: Olympus Tough TG-6 Purchase Location: Best Buy Average Price: $500* If a dog and a raccoon can be best friends and take photos of each other while hugging, then why can't all people accept each other for who they are? This endearing photo has the potential to bring about world peace.

R/aww/Reddit The primary focal point of these animals' appearances is their joyful and content looks when they are among other people. This demonstrates that ideas of friendship and love are not limited to humans; rather, they are genuinely universal ideas that do not distinguish between humans and other animals.

2. The Routine

Potential Camera: iPhone Where to Buy: Amazon Average, Walmart, and Apple Store. Price range: $500–1,200* As a parent of a dog, you are aware of the habit these animals have of selecting a spot and settling down there whenever they get access to it. Dogs frequently have a preferred place to sit or lie in the house, although this behavior is not exclusive to homes. Dogs can also pick their spot in cars, as this image illustrates! This specific dog owner obviously knew his pups too well since he utilized the photo of them curled up in the back of his car as a cover for his spare tire in addition to taking a picture of them. What about the dogs? Unaware of the cute show they put on for everyone who sees them, they sit in the same spot as in the photo.
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