See What's Possible With An Entry-Level Camera

13. A slitted window of sunlight

Potential Equipment: Canon Rebel How to Purchase: Amazon Price: $400 or more* Although they may not be as well-known as they once were, Canon Rebel cameras are nonetheless capable of producing some incredibly beautiful images. Have a look at this image, which perfectly recreates images from our Pinterest feeds for 2020.

Slit Sunlight on Pinterest and Google While more sophisticated camera models may be preferred by consumers for intricate photos, a basic Canon Rebel will suffice. The key reason is that these cameras are still in good condition because their primary use was film photography. Even though the original Canon Rebel was released more than thirty years ago, it is still a good buy.

14. The Wall of Colors

Potential Use of the Huawei Mate 20 Pro Camera How to Purchase: Amazon Price: $349* The image's concentration may be greatly appreciated, even though the colors may be a little muted when compared to an iPhone photo. The photographer focused on the nearby objects while capturing a significant portion of the background by using the phone's Super-Wide option on the camera.

The Pale Wall on Cnet and Pinterest You won't have to pick between the two with the Huawei Mate 20 Pro because it lets you take both focused images and backdrop photos if that's your preference. Even though the camera was placed just inches away from the vivid sculpture for this image, a sizable portion of the road was captured in the finished product.
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