Affordable Consumer Drones Showcase Incredible Photography

3. Golden Gate Bridge

The DJI Mavic Air 2 is one possible drone to use. Purchase Location: Camrise Price: $999* Since its opening on May 27, 1937, the Golden Gate Bridge, located in San Francisco, California, has remained intact. It crosses the Golden Gate, a mile-wide swath of land that separates the Pacific Ocean from San Francisco Bay. Its largest span is 4,200 feet, while its overall length is 8,981 feet.

Golden Gate Bridge © Shutterstock/GaudiLab We were able to see the 220-foot-tall Golden Gate Bridge rising above the mists, thanks to GaudiLab. With its huge, half-inch sensor, the DJI Mavic Air 2 would be ideal for capturing this kind of image because it can withstand precipitation and has performance improvements that allow it to capture clear images even in dense fog.

4. Orange Tree Groves

Potential Drone: DJI Phantom 4 Purchase Location: Expense: $6,600*

Groves of orange trees ©Shutterstock/Sopotnicki Orange groves resemble other fields and orchards in that their patterns are hidden from view when viewed from the ground. However, from an aerial perspective, as this picture by @Sopotnicki shows, you can see that each of these groves has a unique pattern and flow that is exquisite in its own right. This picture may have been easily captured by a drone with a 20,000-foot altitude capability, such as the DJI Phantom 4. This drone costs $6,600 on, so it's not cheap. It's meant for serious photographers.
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