10 Mysterious Finds That Will Boggle Your Mind!

10. Volcanic Ice

Found Year: 2015. NASA is the one who discovered it. Where: Ceres NASA launched the Dawn spacecraft in 2007 with the goal of making a significant discovery towards the protoplanets Ceres and Vesta in the asteroid belt. More than just groundbreaking information was discovered. It may be argued that the results sufficiently "blew the top" off the majority of ideas.

Volcanoes of ice ©DAWN SCIENCE TEAM | @popmech/Pinterest | NASA/JPL-CALTECH/GSFC It turns out that Ahuna Mons, a mountain close to Ceres' equator, is most likely a cryovolcano that will erupt with molten magma and salty water when active. But because it's on an ice dwarf planet deep within space, the cryomagma freezes very instantly when it comes into contact with space's extreme cold.

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