10 Mysterious Finds That Will Boggle Your Mind!

8. Space's Bermuda Triangle

Found Year: 2020 NASA is the one who discovered it. South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) is the location. With numerous boats and planes going missing over the years, the Bermuda Triangle has been at the heart of some of the greatest mysteries in the Atlantic for generations. As if those ghost stories weren't scary enough, when travelling by the region that's above the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA), astronauts on board the International Space Station have reported experiencing problems with their computers and other equipment.

Space's Bermuda Triangle ©Shutterstock/3Dsculptor The anomaly that gives rise to this Bermuda Triangle of Space is the result of the Van Allen Radiation Belts becoming trapped in Earth's orbit. Even the powerful Hubble telescope is unable to provide a good picture of what occurs in the SAA.

9. The Super-Earth

Found Year: 1992 Dale Frail and Alexander Wolszczan are the ones who found it. Location: The Solar System's outer reaches Astronomers and scientists have been puzzled about whether or not there is another planet in the cosmos that can support life for a considerable amount of time. Since the first concrete evidence of these planets or super-Earths was uncovered in 1992 by Aleksander Wolszczan and Dale Frail, about a dozen others have been discovered.

Super-Earth/Wikimedia Commons/Tyrogthekreeper A planet that is smaller than the ice planets that scour the Solar System's periphery but larger and heavier than Earth is called a super-Earth. The most recent super-Earth, G 9-40 b, was discovered in 2021; however, 40 Eridani b, the nearest one to Earth, was identified in 2018 and is only 16 light-years away.
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