10 Mysterious Finds That Will Boggle Your Mind!

2. The Galaxy X

Found Year: 2015 It was discovered by Sukanya Chakrabarti. Where: The Milky Way Galaxy Because of the complexity of space's immensity and the countless things that could exist there, one shouldn't look for novel ideas when looking for a breakthrough. It is necessary to search for discrepancies in the knowledge that currently exists, and this is precisely what astronomers did in the years preceding the discovery of Galaxy X.

Galaxy X LiveScience and Twitter It didn't take long for scientists to start looking for the cause of a disturbance they discovered in the Milky Way's disc in 2009. 2015 saw the discovery of Galaxy X, capping the hunt. It took so long because, according to astronomers, Galaxy X must be primarily composed of dark matter because the newly discovered galaxy is only observable due to four exceptionally brilliant stars.

3. Rectangular Red Nebula

Found Year: 1973 NASA is the one who discovered it. Location: The Unicorn, or Monoceros The clouds of the different nebula found within the infinite galaxies can take on a variety of shapes, just like the white, fluffy clouds in the sky. A prime example of this can be located 2,300 light-years from Earth, nestled in the Monoceros constellation.

The Rectangular Red ©Nebula NASA/Wikimedia Commons and ESA/Hubble Nearly as much remains unknown about the Red Rectangle Nebula's distinctive "extended red emission" as it did upon its discovery in 1973. The unique geometric shape of the nebula may have been caused by two stars at its centre reflecting twin cones of light through space dust. Of then, it might just be extraterrestrial art.
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